Corona is pendemic disease spreaded all over the world. it is not spreading on the basis of religion cast, creed, colour, community and boundaries of particular region. in my opinion it is very unfortunate in India that such epidemic disease is communalising muslim community is blaming that they are spreading the corona in India. several fake and fabricated allegations are making against the muslims in India. no doubt tablig jamat are played very irresponsible role but it would be not just and fair to say that it is a corona jihad! on the basis of false and fake videos communal hatred are contenuous spreading in the Indian society. it is a time to make the people responsible and unit. the feelings of brotherhood are required now , which are very essential contents of Indian constitution, unity in diversity is basik character of Indian society, we should respect the composite culture we must being together for the intrest of our country and for ourself also.
Corona is pendemic disease spreaded all over the world. it is not spreading on the basis of religion cast, creed, colour, community and boundaries of particular region. in my opinion it is very unfortunate in India that such epidemic disease is communalising muslim community is blaming that they are spreading the corona in India. several fake and fabricated allegations are making against the muslims in India. no doubt tablig jamat are played very irresponsible role but it would be not just and fair to say that it is a corona jihad! on the basis of false and fake videos communal hatred are contenuous spreading in the Indian society. it is a time to make the people responsible and unit. the feelings of brotherhood are required now , which are very essential contents of Indian constitution, unity in diversity is basik character of Indian society, we should respect the composite culture we must being together for the intrest of our country and for ourself also.
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