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Nature and definition of crime

  1.      Nature and Dfinition of crime:-

           The concept of crime always been dependent on public we already know law reflects the public openion of the crime. more than any other branch of la,criminal law is the mirror of public openion.In oeder to know the nature and the contens of crime we must first of all know what is law, because the tow questions crime and law are so closely related with each other that it is very difficult to understand one withoute knowing the isthe aggregate rules set by men as poltically superior,or sovereign, to men as poltically subject. law is a command enjoining a course of conduct to be observedby all the members of the society. The command may be of a sovereign or the command of a poltical superior to poltical inferior,or the command of a legally constituted body or the legislation duly enacted by a legally constituted lagislature and addressed to the members of the society in general. As we know law is determined by t5he poltical accord with the most people recognise as minimum standers...not only the inforcement of laws but the definition of behaviour as criminal is part of the poltical process.
   being the definition of law ; disobedience of law may be term as a crime. but disobedience of all law is not crimefor an act done in breach of law of contact, personal law  or civil law may not be a crime unless such breach is by some lawdeclared as criminal. for a common man crime is a act which is against the society and against the moral sentiments of  the society. actually it is very difficult to frame such a definition of crime which may be true in all the countries at all times.
    According to Bentham, " offences are whatever the lagislature has prohibited for good or for bad reasons "
    according to the Blackstone crime is an act in violation of public law,
         Blackstone also defines   crime as " violation of the public rights and duties" but according to the Stephen, it is an act done in violation of public rights only.
 according to the Kenny ; "crime as wrongs whose sanction is punitive ans is in no wayremissible by any private person; but it remissible by crown alone. if remissible at all."
 Thus we find that it is very difficult to suggest a definition of crime suitable to all countries for all time.
 Therefore it would be easer to know a crime throw its attributes. which are three first is harm second is preventive measures third the legal proceedings govern by the rule and evidences.


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